Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Buying the Beetle at a Sonic Drive-In

I've always liked Volkswagen Beetles ever since i was a little kid. I remember at a very young age telling myself i would own one someday. My grandpa has always wanted one too but never had one. A few of my family members have had Beetles in the past. So my grandpa and i set out to find and purchase a Beetle together. We were going to find one we both liked, each pay for half of it, and share it. So on September 18th 2010 my grandpa and i went to a Sonic Drive-In where a Volkswagen club was supposed to be meeting but no one showed up. My grandpa then asked one of the car hops if she knew if a Volkswagen club was meeting here and she said they had changed the location to Starbucks this week. My grandpa then told her that we were looking to buy one and she said that she just happened to have one that she wanted to sell. She said her dad was working on it so it was at home but she'd ask him to bring it over. So he brought it over and we liked the condition so we decided to buy it. After a couple of weeks my grandpa found another Beetle that he liked too and so he decided to buy that one and let me keep the white one. So now we both have our own Beetles, my '67 and his '72 Super Beetle. I'm very happy with the one i got and don't ever plan on selling it partly because it's the year i want and partly because it's so customized exactly how i like it and that i've put more money into it then i could get out of it if i did want to sell it. For the two and a half years i've had this car i can say that i don't regret a moment of it. It's been so much fun to drive and it's been quite the adventure making it into what it is today. It's been the source of many memories since i've got it and it's taught me so much about cars and how they work and how to work on them.

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